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الرئيسية / English
Summary of the main events of the 34th day of the "Freedom and Dignity Strike"
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تاريخ النشر: الأحد 21/05/2017 09:12
Summary of the main events of the 34th day of the "Freedom and Dignity Strike"<div style=memantin iskustva memantin alzheimer memantin wikipedia
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Summary of the main events of the 34th day of the "Freedom and Dignity Strike"
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21/5/2017 Ramallah/ Palestine
The Media Committee of the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners' society, present the summary of the 34th day of the collective hunger strike, which was embarked by the prisoners' movement in the Israeli jails, under the title of "Freedom and Dignity strike" since 17th April, 2017.
-Detainees carry on the battle of freedom and dignity in the Israeli jails, in request for their basic demands which are denied by the prisons' administration, and which was achieved previously through embarking many hunger strikes. The most prominent demands include: ending the policy of administrative detention, ending the policy of solitary confinement, ending the policy of banning families' and lawyers' visits, ending the policy of medical negligence and other legitimate demands.
-The Media Committee calls on the media, especially the local media, not to focus on the incidents of the negotiations and not to pay attention to what is published in the Israeli media on the course of these negotiations. It

also stresses that the leadership of the strike is still firmly in control of the strike and the negotiations taking place in this context, in the most difficult stages of the strike.
-The administration of prisons transfers many striking detainees from Ashkelon prison to Barzlai Hospital, after they stopped drinking water.
-A lawyer from the Palestinian Prisoners' Society made a visit to the striking detainee Muhammad Abu Al-Rob and said that the prisons' administration has turned one of the sections to a field clinic that lacks medical equipment, and offers only Glucose to the striking detainees, who refuse to take it in return. In the same context, the Media Committee confirms that the health condition of the striking detainee Samer Issawi has deteriorated, and he was transferred from the isolation of Ayalon Ramlah prison to the clinic of Ramlah prison.
-In a message from the striking detainee Nasser Abu-Hmaid at Ashkelon prison, he said that "34 days and we still breathe freedom and glory, we walk towards death smiling and we sit on a black blanket, which is the only thing left besides a glass of water and a little amount of salt. We sing to the homeland and the spring of the coming victory, don't ask about our bodies, but we assure you that our souls and will are very fine. We are as steadfast as the rocks in Ebal and Galilee mountains. We swore that we should continue in the strike until victory or martyrdom. We promised the souls of the martyrs that this battle will be the candle of victory lit by our souls and bodies, on the path of freedom and independence".


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